81 _Alkaline Buffer Kh+

Alkaline Buffer Kh+

Alkaline Buffer KH+ is an easy-to-use supplement for increasing alkaline hardness, suitable for all planted and freshwater aquariums. The higher the alkalinity of the water, the less intense the fluctuations in pH are. Stabilizing and maintaining alkalinity is crucial for the long-term health of the living organisms in the aquarium.

Before using pH or alkaline hardness-altering supplements, it is recommended to check their initial levels, as increasing alkaline hardness will enhance the water’s buffering capacity and raise the pH level.

Usage Guide:
Dissolve 3 grams of the buffer product in one liter of R/O water. By adding this solution to 100 liters of aquarium water, the alkaline hardness will increase by 1.22 dKh. It is recommended to add the solution slowly over a period of two hours to the aquarium water. Note that the uniformity of the solution in the system depends on the water circulation speed in the aquarium; faster circulation reduces the time needed to change the alkalinity level. In rare cases, the final stabilization of alkaline hardness may take up to 24 hours, but typically, it can be considered to take two hours. Do not increase the alkaline hardness by more than 1.2 dKh per hour; before adding the solution to the aquarium water, adjust the carbonate hardness, pH, TDS, and temperature. Keep in mind that plants and other aquatic organisms require different pH levels for their full vitality and health. Before stabilizing the pH in your aquarium, gather enough information about the needs of your aquatic organisms. It is generally recommended to maintain the alkaline hardness between 3 to 6 dKh, considering the pH level. To reduce and adjust the pH level, you can use Acid Buffer solution.

Note: To calculate the CO2 levels in planted aquariums, you can use the Deep Ocean software in the calculations section by entering the Kh and pH values to obtain the exact dissolved CO2 level in the system. This is important because maintaining the allowable levels and stability of Kh and CO2 in planted aquariums improves the absorption of liquid nutrients by the plants and prevents waste, which can promote algae growth.

Given the high quality of the KH increase product and the necessary stability in production, a smart calculator can be used to accurately compute its consumption in the aquarium. Therefore, the closer the entered water volume in liters matches reality, the more accurate the final consumption amount will be. Please note that the consumption is calculated based on dKh.