83 _Shrimp Iodide

Shrimp Iodide

Iodine Shrimp is a powerful, easy-to-use single product that contains standard amounts of all forms of iodine to meet the iodine requirements of shrimp and other crustaceans.

Iodine is an essential element in the life cycle of shrimp and other crustaceans and fish. It facilitates healthy molting and strengthens the immune system of crustaceans against various threats, as well as preventing goiter in fish. Crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp need iodine for growth and the molting process; without sufficient iodine, the chitinous shell formed after molting may not harden properly.

Dosage Instructions:
To maintain appropriate levels of iodine and iodide for freshwater shrimp, use 5 milliliters for every 40 liters of water every two weeks. If using this product alongside humate soils, apply it once a week. This dosage will increase the iodide concentration by 0.006 mg per liter.