84 _Discus Trcae

Discus Trcae

Discus Trace provides a comprehensive set of essential trace elements for the health and optimal growth of fish. Fish obtain nutrients from their diet and their surrounding environment.

Trace elements are depleted through consumption or sedimentation, and it is essential to regularly replenish these elements. Adding common aquarium salts is not suitable for all fish, and specific species, including discus fish, are sensitive to the presence of sodium. Additionally, if you have live plants in your discus aquarium, they may also be harmed by increased salinity. Discus Trace is a balanced mineral supplement that is sodium-free and specifically formulated to supply the essential minerals necessary for the health and growth of fish.

Usage Instructions:
Use one capful or 5 milliliters for every 80 liters of water, twice a week.

* Made from USP and ACS-grade materials
* Promotes high growth and coloration in discus fish and others
* Very high absorption and unique formulation
* Contains all essential elements required by fish
* Essential for aquariums maintaining discus fish
* Contains a completely standardized concentration